
In November 2016, the Cloud Program relaunched with the vision to make it easy for the Harvard Community to realize the transformative benefits of the Cloud through enabling adoption and providing common services that are secure, cost-effective, and reliable.

Over the next two years, our workgroups will: 

  • create a coherent University cloud presence using standards, common contracts, and shared architecture
  • provide new cloud-based services to help deliver security and value
  • reduce costs by closing our expensive on premise data center located at 60 Oxford Street

The Workgroups

Technology and Security

The Technology and Security Workgroup will develop plans, standards, and technology best practices to guide the cloud migration. The Workgroup will be work in close partnership with the Service Workgroup to understand the end state services and the Communications Workgroup. The Technology and Security Workgroup will incorporate Enterprise Architecture processes into the definition of standards, and work closely with existing Security governance structures.

Workgroup Members

  • Chair(s): Christian Hamer and Jason Snyder
  • Members: Erica Bradshaw, Jefferson Burson, Christian Hamer, Ann Lurie, Steve Martino, Mike Milligan, Mike Thomas


The Services Workgroup will develop a comprehensive strategy and plan to introduce new Cloud services to the Harvard Community in support of a cohesive, University-wide cloud presence. The Workgroup will create service definitions, define a simple request/fulfillment processes, determine timelines for new and deprecating services, and articulate processes for service approval and exceptions.

The services and associated offerings that are in scope for the Workgroup include:

  • Cloud Services
    • Offerings: Cloud Foundations, Cost Engineering & Monitoring, Consulting, and Hosting
  • Storage
    • Offerings: Cloud Backups

Workgroup Members

  • Chair(s): Erica Bradshaw and Jefferson Burson
  • Members: Julie Broad, Maria Curcio, Mike Landino, Karen Pemstein, Tracey Robinson, Jason Shaffner, Jane Sulkin, Matt Zeller
  • Ad-hoc Members: Bill Brady, Greg Covelle, Susan Delellis, Eileen Flood, Jane Hill, Steve Martino, Patrick McEvily, Melanie McSally, Evgeny Platonov, Ben Rota, Sunil Saxena, Tom Vachon

Please contact Kathy Stuart with Services questions.

Human Resources

The Human Resources Workgroup will support staff skill development and transition to the Cloud. 

Human Resources Workgroup Members

  • Co-Chairs: Nicole Breen, Karen Pemstein
  • Scrum Master: Melissa Lucius

Please contact Melissa Lucius with HR Workgroup questions.


The Finance Workgroup will develop funding strategies to support the transition of data center services from on premise to the Cloud, develop new approaches to consolidating and managing of costs, and lead the development of new, sustaining cloud service models. The Workgroup will work in collaboration with the Services Workgroup to understand the proposed new service definitions and will define how each service will be funded and cost recovered. Additionally, the Workgroup will define an approach to simplify the financial models through the consolidation of core funded infrastructure budgets across HUIT. Finally, the Workgroup will identify funding sources and produce recommendations to the Executive Committee to support project transition costs.

Workgroup Members 

  • Chair: Penny Kaligian
  • Members: Leslie Schaffer, Thomas Price, Christine Oteri, Meryl Post, Debra Donovan, Matthew Zeller, Jane Sulkin, Erica Bradshaw, Jefferson Burson, Jason Shaffner, Laura Deneen
  • Ad Hoc Members: Jason Snyder
  • Scrum Master: Hellen Zziwa

Please contact Hellen Zziwa with Finanace Workgroup questions.


The Communications Workgroup will develop a coordinated campaign for the University wide adoption of Cloud services. The Workgroup will facilitate the translation of the Cloud business case into key messages by stakeholder community. Additionally, the Workgroup will develop a communications plan that governs the important events needed to support the milestones from the Workgroup activities.

Workgroup Members

  • Chair(s): Juliana DiLuca and Ben Rota
  • Members: Patty St. Amand, Erica Bradshaw, Stephanie Gumble, Acacia Matheson, Victoria Schubert, Catie Smith

Please contact Juliana DiLuca with Communications Workgroup questions.