Cloud Foundations


Harvard Cloud Foundations is an integrated bundle of services that provide common authentication, artifacts, connectivity, security features, and consulting for cloud customers.

Cloud Foundations provides faster and more consistent provisioning of applications to cloud hosting, ensuring application security, configuration management, change auditing, and significant self-service capabilities.

Key Features and Benefits

Direct Connect:

Direct Connect is a dedicated network connection between Harvard (on premise) and the Cloud. It reduces costs in and out of AWS, provides consistent network performance, and enables Harvard to extend its network into the AWS Cloud.

  • Reduced data transfer rates in and out of AWS
  • Lower network latency
  • Extended Harvard private IP space to the Cloud
  • Redundant network paths to both Ashburn and New York
  • Monitor network status

Cloud Shield:

Cloud Shield is a next generation firewall and load-balancing perimeter that provides highly available and redundant network access for AWS cloud deployed applications. It enables the University to store sensitive (level 3 and 4) data in the Cloud.

  • Visibility of traffic into, out of, and between cloud applications
  • Security features: Inline web filtering, proxy, intrusion prevention, and antivirus
  • Multi-cloud connectivity options for future strategic use
  • Automation (Cloud Firewall Automation Service)

Available to

Anyone at Harvard Univeristy using cloud computing. Compatible with any cloud vendor. 

Requirements and Limitations

  • Users must comply with Service Use Policies
  • Users must adhere to University Information Technology Policies and the Harvard Enterprise Information Security Policy

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